Camden, ME

I got up early today, in fact this was the earliest since I quit working. I was heading north along the eastern edge of Vermont long before sunrise. Then, when the sun did finally rise, it didn’t really rise. The sky was sort of misting and all the sun did was turn it a sort of milky grey. Nevertheless, I didn’t really want to stop and spend money on breakfast (this is becoming an expensive adventure) so I pulled off at a highway rest area and made oatmeal while trying to avoid eye contact with all the people who thought I was a freak for actually using the provided picnic tables. Also I was naked.
Just kidding, it was far too chilly for anything of that sort. I headed east across New Hampshire and just as I got into Maine, the sun finally came up. It was almost surreal. Most of the trees have turned their autumn colors and with the grey sky they just looked a little sad. Once the sun lit them up, however, wow. I mean, it was just like we’ve all seen in hundreds of photos and movies, but live and in person the colors were overwhelming. I took lots of photos, but of course they just look like all the other photos you’ve seen.
Now I’m camping in Camden Hills State Park and hopefully I’ll be up early enough to see the sun rise over the ocean. I love the ocean, I know lots of people say they love the ocean, but I really really love the ocean. Its almost a sexual love. Almost.
But seriously, as soon as I hit Belfast I drove through town and at my first whiff of the ocean I giggled. At the first glimpse of it a grin spread across my face that you couldn’t remove with a red-hot rusty spatula.
This campground actually has hot showers, which is a good thing. I’m gonna be visiting a friend in Boston tomorrow so it’d be nice if I didn’t reek of campfire (Truthfully, I kind of like that smell). So I’ll try out the showers (it’s a good thing I kept a few of those tiny bars of hotel soap) and then on the way down I’ll keep my eyes open for a Laundromat.
Wow, this may be the longest post I’ve yet done, sorry. But in my defense, the ocean does things to me. Also I’m an alcoholic (hey, if Mark Foley can use that excuse, I can too).