Brattleboro, VT

Some days you eat the road, some days the road eats you.
One of you commented earlier that they thought the point of this trip was to stop and smell the roses. Actually, there is no point to this trip, not in that sense anyway. A point is too close to a goal or an objective which implies the possibility of failure. This was successful the moment I pointed the car away from my apartment and pushed the pedal on the right. One thing about road trips is you can’t fight them. Each one takes on a spirit of it’s own and you must allow it to breathe a little. If you try to force it to be something, if you try to direct it, you kill it a little bit.
Every true journey is an interior journey. The physical travel is almost incidental. It’s only when you escape your surroundings that you see things clearly.
Dude that was your dog that asked if you were going to smell the roses. I'm surprized she didn't ask if you were going to stop and spray the roses. Anyway tell Ender I said hi next time you see her. Safe trasveling.
Oh yeah, you're right. I think Ender is just a little jealous she's not on this trip with me.
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