Big Piney, WY

Well, I'm not really sure I can explain what this is all about. I've always liked roadtrips and lately I've been feeling out of touch with myself. It's as if I've lost my footing in life, like I'm becoming invisible. I will admit to a touch of arrogance in assuming some of you might find this a little interesting, but if not I won't be all that surprised or bothered. I don't have any real definite goals for this trip, at least not exterior goals like seeing the biggest ball of twine in Minnesota. Like most journeys, the destination is irrelevant, it’s the interim that matters. I imagine I'll most likely make stops in to visit many of you, but of course nothing is set in stone.
Occasionally I will upload a snapshot and I will try to keep this site updated with my route, but due to the nature of roadtrips I don’t know how regular the updates will be. You can expect entries to be entered in batches whenever I get a chance to steal some wi-fi.
I leave in a few minutes from Big Piney, WY and will be heading north. My tentative plan will be to go east after that, but I have no real timeline for getting anywhere. I won’t have a cell phone with me, but feel free to post comments.
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