Bozeman, MT

Question: What does one take on a trip around the country if one will be camping/moteling/sleeping in the car/visiting friends in and around small towns/big cities/middle of nowhere for days/weeks/months?
Answer: Too much.
Well, now I’m sitting in a Wal-Mart parking lot. Last night was a bit cold, but I did alright for the most part. There were a couple things I needed, hence the Wal-Mart stop. I’m probably gonna end up shipping a box-o-shit back home. The stuff that was nicely folded and organized into the trunk has somehow exploded all over the backseat and spilled over into the frontseat. I really don’t need as much crap as I brought. You’d think after the 412,576 (rough estimate) roadtrips I’ve taken I would be better at packing for them. The problem is, every trip is a little different and not knowing what sort of feel this one would end up taking I didn’t want to be sitting in the middle of Minnesota thinking, ‘This sure would be paradise had I only remembered to bring my…’
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