
Car problems: somewhere in New York state my car developed a couple charming little issues. The first issue happened only once, yet is still irritating me. It wouldn’t start. It would turn over and over and just wouldn’t catch. After 30 minutes of cursing and trying, it finally (and very reluctantly) caught. A few more minutes and the battery would have been dead and I would have been calling a tow truck (and cursing some more).
The other issue struck just after I crossed over into Pennsylvania. The car tried to overheat. Just as I pulled over the temperature dropped back down so I pulled back on the highway. The temp continued to fluctuate till I worked out that the faster I went, the lower it dropped. Between 75 and 80 seemed to do the trick. This was all well and good until I got into some twisty roads and it started snowing. Also it was night. So there I was, doing 80 down a curvy unknown road in driving snow thinking how smart I was to figure out how to keep the car from overheating. The snow lasted about 60 miles and I came out it of never so happy to see dry roads. About an hour later I realized it wasn’t the speed that mattered, it was the rpm’s. I could drop it into 4th and run at 65, or 3rd and 50, and the temp would stay low. It's a good thing I are so dang smart.
The next day it ran fine, and the day after that I had to stop a few times to let the car cool off. Then it ran fine again. Then it wouldn't start. Now it's fine.
My car is weird.
I might have to trade it in soon and finish the trip in something else. Oh well, such is life.