Marshall, IL

I’m enjoying a momentary respite in McKenzie’s Laundromat. Laundromats in general are enjoyable places to spend a little time. The sound of industrious machines toiling away makes me feel like something is being accomplished. It’s sort of the same idea as watching a master carpenter ply his trade. The movements are practiced and sure, methodical and satisfying. The smell of sawdust in the air is rivaled only by the relaxing scent of fresh laundry.
I camped last night, I’ve been camping the last three nights. It was kind of nice after the hustle and bustle of Boston and NY. I can handle some bustle, but hustle gets me anxious after any length of time.
The first night was strictly sleeping. I found the park at about 11pm, did a crappy job of setting up a tarp, and was packed and gone by 8am (perfect to avoid paying site fees). The next night I stopped about 6 and set up as the sun was setting. There was a shower house adjacent so I got a nice hot shower after my meal of canned beef stew over rice.
My friend LC asked if I could dilly-dally and not arrive till Tuesday so I stopped early yesterday, about 12:30. It was nice being able to take some time setting up and enjoying the afternoon. I cut a big stack of wood and cooked a big meal. I set up the tarp high and open so I could enjoy the nice weather and then I emptied, cleaned and organized my car. That night I finished off a bottle of cheap scotch, got drunk and was in bed by 11. Of course it rained all night and in the morning I was awoken by one corner of my tarp coming loose and flapping cold wet leaves all over me. The real excitement, however, came after I pulled myself out of my warm snug sleeping bag and saw that the passenger side door of my car was wide open. I thought my worst fears had been realized, that being having my laptop and camera stolen. I sprinted to the car (that’s the first time I can remember running in a long time). When I got there I discovered that the gear was all still there. It seems that a drunken Ryan had left his door open the night before. Regardless, I think in the future I will keep the expensive stuff with me while I sleep. I was so relieved that it didn’t even bother me that some small creature had made off with the lemon-pepper chicken and sautéed onions I had leftover from dinner.
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